We are the Light on the Ridge proclaiming the love of Jesus in thought, word, and deed

November 13, 2016 Pentecost 26

But Paul has another word to those waiting for the end of the world to happen: besides getting back to work, Paul says to both the idle, and to those complaining about them: do not be weary in doing what is right. And what is right? What does the Lord require of us? Do justice.…

November 6, 2016 All Saints Sunday

The blessings and woes of the gospel make me wonder.  I have been poor, and hungry, and weeping.  Hated, too.  It did not feel like a blessing.  On the other hand, why would Jesus say, “woe” to those who are rich?  Or have full bellies?  Or who enjoy a good time or a good reputation? …

October 30, 2016 Reformation Sunday

The God who gives us grace as a free gift, who sets us free from the sin that enslaves us, will not try to control us, to make us little robots.  If God had wanted little robotic beings, it would have been easy for God to have done so.  Instead, God made us with free…

September 11, 2016 Pentecost 17

We are the kinds of people Jesus welcomes.  We are the ones for whom Jesus came into the world, we are the ones whom God “so loved that God sent” Jesus into the world “so that whoever believed in him might not perish, but have everlasting life.”