The Light on the Ridge

Sermons on Matthew

November 19, 2017 Pentecost 24

The Day of the Lord – to be feared?  To be desired?  In today’s gospel, Jesus addresses his disciples privately; this is not a public teaching of Jesus.  He tells the disciples a story about great treasure.  It is one of three stories he tells them to prepare them for the day he wouldn’t be with them any more.

November 5, 2017 All Saints Sunday

We are all saints. It is not just the dead who qualify as saints. It is every Christian, those dead and those still living. We are all the saints, just as those who are clothed in white, standing before the throne of God, singing God’s praises, worshipping God together.

October 15, 2017 Pentecost 19

The word “gospel” means “good news.” But today’s gospel does not sound like good news. The parable in this gospel features murders and retribution in the middle and ends with a wedding guest being kicked out of the banquet into “the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” To get the good news out of today’s gospel will…

October 8, 2017 Pentecost 18

Not every humbling may be God’s will.  I think of the humbling of those who have survived the recent hurricanes.  They have been humbled, losing homes, belongings; roads, water, and power.  But sometimes God does bring about the humbling.  Like the humbling of the vineyard in the first reading, with the walls torn down by the owner (!), allowing weeds and thorns…