The Light on the Ridge

Sermons on Mark (Page 3)

February 25, 2018 Second Sunday in Lent

Even stranger are the thoughts that God reveals in the gospel for today.  Jesus predicts his own suffering and death.  And resurrection, too, although the crowd gathered doesn’t seem to hear that – they are so distressed by the thought of Jesus suffering and dying.  Then Peter, the self-appointed leader of the disciples, took that as his cue to disagree with Jesus. …

February 4, 2018 Epiphany 5

Illness meant you were not whole.  You could be only part of what it meant to be human.  But Jesus came to bring change.  Jesus came to bring God to the world.  Jesus came to bring wholeness wherever wholeness was absent.  That is where the word “healing” comes from, to be made whole.

January 21, 2018 Epiphany 3

God doesn’t need to fish for a compliment.  God doesn’t need our “toadying,” as the British put it, nor our flattery.  God exists and has existed and will exist without our constant praise.  Or even our occasional praise.  Yet God looks for our response.  God waits for it.

December 10, 2017 Advent 2

The gospel writer Mark identifies John as the messenger going before Jesus, one who cries out in the wilderness and prepares the way of the Lord, as Isaiah described it in chapter 40.  When the people who came to see John confessed their sins, and repented of them, it was part of making “straight in…