We are the Light on the Ridge proclaiming the love of Jesus in thought, word, and deed

Membership Update

Note: Please answer all questions, scroll to the bottom, and click the Send button. 

    Name(s) (required)

    Address (required)



    Updated information on children

    Has this information changed?

    MEMBERSHIP (You must select one option)
    Note: Active member at St. Matthews as defined in our bylaws is one who has
    communed at least once and has made a contribution of records at least once in the
    last year.

    If member of another congregation, please provide the name of that congregation

    OTHER CATEGORIES (Check off as many boxes as apply)
    Desire a phone call from pastor
    Desire a visit from pastor
    Keep me on the newsletter list
    Add me to the newsletter list at this email address


    Information I'd like St. Matthews to know