The Light on the Ridge


The 41st annual Pennridge Crop Walk will take place on Sunday, October 13, starting at 1:00 at St. Andrew’s Lutheran Church in Perkasie. There will be a 4 mile walk, a 1 mile walk, and a Crop Rock at St. Stephen’s and St. Michael’s, if you would rather rock than walk. The CROP Hunger Walk is a nationwide movement sponsored by Church World Service to raise funds to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and around the world. 25% of the donations received will be donated to Pennridge FISH and the remaining funds will be used by Church World Service to help alleviate hunger around the world. Someone will be in the Welcome Center before and after worship to accept donations, and signups to walk or rock. You can also sign up to walk, rock or make a donation online at You can sign up to join St. Matthew’s team or start your own team. You are encouraged to make your donation online, but checks and cash are welcome, as well. Checks should be made out to CWS/CROP. Thank you in advance for your support.